“Oh yeah! You have to try to catch me first!” showing of my skills to avoid the chaos.
“Stay still!” trying to bunt a snowball at me. I was way to abrupt for her dodging past some objects. I kept repeating this as best as I could but some how I lost interest of playing this over again and again. Bravely, I forced my self to tell Jodie so we could just normally walk like usual. She understood and followed my command but we still were 10 minutes later than usual. ”I’m getting sick of you two always making both of us late!“ Mum kept going on and on about for a LONG time. It can be nothing but described as BORING! Trust me.
I yawned so much that Mum and Dad spotted me and said that I was being abusive and was very close to be grounded! It wasn’t really my fault, it was true that it was boring to hear them saying stuff at us. Jodie kept fidgeting too but she didn’t het spotted. Lucky! We were very clear on not to fire or fling snowballs at each other that night. Trying hard, I forced myself to dream about a war and our team won. I was definitely sure that would cheer me up a little and make me forget what I did.
I heard Mum calling me to wake up but I didn’t want to.
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