Sunday, 30 October 2016

Imagine You can Make your Own Games by Using Scratch 2.0 - How to

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First of all, my big brother, Fawwaz, has created a lot of Scratch Games and has uploaded them on to the website. So yeah please check that out on the link below and don't forget to hit the love button and comment on thewebsite.

So our subject today is.........


OK first download scratch. Theres Sratch and Sratch 2. I recomend to use Scratch 2 because it's more simpler and less laggy so yeah but you can use whatever you want. T 

Sunday, 9 October 2016

The Secret Path Way ... Part #3

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Now it was winter, which meant that it was even MORE amusing then throwing leaves. Except from the fact that Mum and Dad got very annoyed that we were freezing cold, it was quite entertaining having to avoid snowballs and try to throw snow balls without Jodie knowing! We had all sorts going on. I kept getting distracting as some of my friends from school kept coming this way and started a conversation. Today that’s what we exactly did. “I’m going to get you sooner or later Sam!” trying to throw a dozen of snow balls at me.

“Oh yeah! You have to try to catch me first!” showing of my skills to avoid the chaos.

“Stay still!” trying to bunt a snowball at me. I was way to abrupt for her dodging past some objects. I kept repeating this as best as I could but some how I lost interest of playing this over again and again. Bravely, I forced my self to tell Jodie so we could just normally walk like usual. She understood and followed my command but we still were 10 minutes later than usual. ”I’m getting sick of you two always making both of us late!“ Mum kept going on and on about for a LONG time. It can be nothing but described as BORING! Trust me.

I yawned so much that Mum and Dad spotted me and said that I was being abusive and was very close to be grounded! It wasn’t really my fault, it was true that it was boring to hear them saying stuff at us. Jodie kept fidgeting too but she didn’t het spotted. Lucky! We were very clear on not to fire or fling snowballs at each other that night. Trying hard, I forced myself to dream about a war and our team won. I was definitely sure that would cheer me up a little and make me forget what I did.

I heard Mum calling me to wake up but I didn’t want to.


The Secret Path Way ... Part #2

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Jodie never gives up even if at the end she doesn’t get her own way. She has brown, muddy hair tied up in a childish ponytail, a pointy chin, a red and an orange striped shirt, comfortable blue jeans and brown, soft boots. I love her even when she told me off for leaving stuff around or if I lost something she gave to me.

I have curly, blonde hair, a sharp chin (same as Jodie), a green top with blue trousers and brand-new trainers. Sometimes I listen to all sort of rap music on my headphones. Dad gave it to me for my 9th birthday even though Mum said that I couldn’t take care of it properly.

This isn’t really surprising as we know that we’re mates. I looked after my set of headphones preciously so I could prove to Mum that she was wrong about me. I wasn’t a toddler or a baby, I was a 11 year old girl that could fight for her own way easily.

We got used to coming in our fine home after half an hour. It was actually very amusing in the autumn as we were able to have a leave fight and see who would win though we came 15 minutes later than usual! We would’ve even gotten grounded because they would’ve been late for work.

Continue to Part 3

The Secret Path Way ... Part #1

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ADEL's story :
After school, my sister and I always walk home together talking about how was school or if we had anything that bugged us lately. It takes exactly 15 minutes from home to school or school to home every day. We ambled across at least 10 blocks straight then spur right where you’ll escort down the never ending hill, finally face to the west and make you’re way across 20 blocks.

Jodie is the best sister ever! Jodie always comforts me when I was little. She didn’t mind having to change my diaper but she played with me all sorts of daft games. She pretended to be a burglar once and steal valuables but super Sam comes and saves the day.

We have our kind Dad and Mum probably waiting for us after our long walk. They’ll be cooking or frying delish food for dinner. After we had our walk, we were always glad that straight afterwards there’ll be fish and chips or chicken. Sometimes we get an opportunity to play with our toys together before we have our dinner. Even though we played with our toys when I was a toddler or so, we sometimes play with them still.

Mum and Dad are kind enough to let us anyways. Not always kind enough though. We persuaded both of them to let us share bedrooms and one of them could sleep in my bed. They did agree that it was quite tempting as Mum didn’t want to hear Dad snoring! Dad got a little bit cross for Mum saying that and commanded her to stay with him, so that plan didn’t really work out.

Continue to Part 2

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